Case: medi, Bayreuth Aluminum False Ceiling Panel Strip Ceiling System
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TICELL in outdoor and indoor areas:
White strip-painted aluminium; cell dimension: 54.55 x 54.55 mm; height: 40 mm, format 1200 x 600 mm; [1630 m²]
With its new head office building in Bayreuth, medi GmbH & Co. KG , a manufacturer of medical aids, has created an open architecture concept that aims to promote dialogue between its employees. However, it is still possible to work centrally with additional break-out areas such as quiet workplaces.
In the washroom and toilet areas, the linear STAR 3 open-cell ceiling with its clearly defined edges sets architectural accents and creates a unique appearance.
With this investment in its new building, medi has created a modern world of work, an impressive contribution towards the status of Bayreuth-East as a location for industry.